Monday, January 5, 2009

Just war or no war

With the ongoing conflicts between India - Pakistan, Israel - Hamas controlled Gaza, and the continuing struggles of the US with Iraq and Afghanistan one cannot help but think whether these acts of aggression are necessary. While each nation has its own set of reasons for these wars, invariably the wars end up having devastating and far-reaching consequencies. While it is believed Afghanistan has been pummelled to 100 years behind the rest of the world, the long-lasting conflicts in Kashmir have ravaged the beautiful state and its people. Thankfully democracy has just returned back to Kashmir. I am not trying to be judgemental here, but just wondering why do wars start even though it is a well understood fact that war kills thousands of people and hurts both the sides engaged in the war economically.
Many people subscribe to the "Just war theory" but I am more inclined to the "No war" theory (mind you only inclined, but not convinced). But I am convinced that no matter what, no one has the right to take away a life given by God. But why doesnt this lead me to be convinced about "No war" theory? I really dont know....and I will leave this here.

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